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Youth Eco Leaders Programme

This free programme will educate young people about the environment, climate change, and sustainability.

The Council has partnered with Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services to offer a comprehensive education programme which includes carbon literacy training, a climate debate in the Council chamber, and support for young people to take action with their own eco/environmental projects.

The aim is to build young people's knowledge and confidence in talking about environmental issues and provide them with the tools and skills necessary to engage in meaningful discussions around climate change and sustainability.

The Globe Foundation, Moorlands Climate Action, and other local organisations are also involved in delivering this project.

We are now inviting schools, colleges, and youth groups in the Moorlands to register - participation is free and the programme is open to young people aged 11-18.

Places are limited, so if you want to take part, please register online to avoid disappointment.

You can contact Sean Turner, SCVYS Youth Engagement Co-ordinator at if you need further information.