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Staffordshire Moorlands High Street Business Improvement Grant

A capital grant fund is available to support improvements to shops/premises on the high street.

The objective of this grant is to help re-vitalise High Streets, and make these spaces more attractive, engaging, and accessible for all.

Funding may be used to improve shop frontages, outdoor provision, improve accessibility (including internal layouts and assisted technologies), and energy efficiency of high street premises leading to an enhanced High Street experience.

Grants between £1000 and £9,000 are available to SME Businesses within Staffordshire Moorlands District Council area, who are located on recognised High Street locations.

Grants are available at a maximum of 80% of the total project costs i.e. to achieve a maximum £9,000 grant, project costs would need to be in excess of £11,250 exclusive of VAT.

For more information on eligibility, guidance and to apply please click here.