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Who makes the decisions?

Major decisions

Major decisions such as the budget and the corporate plan are made by all councillors at Full Council. All councillors are members of Full Council. The Chairman of the meeting is the Chairman of the District.

The role of the Cabinet

Most decisions are taken by the Cabinet which is responsible for implementing our budget, strategies and policies.

Read more about the Cabinet and what they are responsible for.

Forward Plan

The Forward Plan is a list of decisions the Council's Cabinet intends to take during the next three months. 

SMDC Forward Plan [150KB]

Other decisions

Other decisions, such as licensing and planning are made by our regulatory committees and some decisions are delegated to officers in certain circumstances agreed by us. Published decisions are available to view within the minutes. Our Overview and Scrutiny panels also help to develop council policies and strategies and review decisions made by the Cabinet.

Read a full overview of the different committees, and what each is responsible for.