
Send feedback to the council on our services

Use the Comment, Compliment, Complaint form below to provide feedback about the service you have received from us.

This form is not a request for service. If you have a particular request please find the relevant service request form. Submitting the correct service request will result in a quicker response.

Service requests include:

Reporting a missed bin, damaged bin, unreturned bin - Contact Waste & Recycling

Reporting graffiti , damage to street furniture - Contact Streets

Report a domestic noise/nuisance - Contact Environmental Health

Reporting Street cleaning, dog fouling and litter picking - Contact Streets

Please visit Staffordshire County Council for highways, footpath maintenance, gritting and street lighting.

Highways and road maintenance

Please visit Staffordshire County Council website for highways, footpath maintenance, gritting and street lighting.

Complain about a Councillor

To complain about a councillor please visit our councillors page where you can find out more information on how to do this.

Complaints procedure

Information about how we deal with your feedback and the ombudsman

Feedback form

If you wish to make a compliment, complaint or give general feedback please visit this section

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