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Street Trading Consents - General Conditions

Street Trading Consents - General Conditions


1. The consent holder shall be in possession of current public liability insurance with a minimum level of £1 million pounds.

2. Where appropriate, Consent Holder, and the stall and/or vehicle, must comply with all relevant Food Hygiene legislation.

3. The Consent Holder shall comply with all relevant statutes, statutory instruments and byelaws currently in force. Consent Holders must pay particular attention to the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act, 1974, and the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Advice on these requirements is available from the Environmental Health Section at Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.

4. The Consent Holder shall only trade from a stall, vehicle or other structure at a
location approved in writing by the Licensing & Land Charges Manager, except where a consent is otherwise approved for the sale of printed news materials magazines by a charity where the location only must be approved by the Licensing & Land Charges Manager.

5. If a Consent Holder or employee of a Consent Holder is requested to move to an alternative location within the consent street area by the Licensing Manager or Licensing Officer they shall immediately comply with that request.

6. No waste material shall be discharged on to the highway or any adjacent
property and all waste material generated by this use to be taken away and disposed of in a proper manner.

7. The consent holder shall maintain the stall, vehicle or structure as appropriate
in a clean state and its fabric shall be kept in good repair and condition.

8. The consent holder shall conduct his business in such a manner as to ensure that he does not:-

i. cause a nuisance to the occupiers of adjoining property; or to other users of the street;
ii. cause an obstruction to other vehicles or pedestrians or other users in the street;
iii. cause a danger to occupiers of adjoining property or to other users of the street.

9. No process or operation shall be carried on which would give rise to nuisance by reason of noise, smoke, smell, lights or vibration.

10. Nothing in this consent shall grant or be deemed to grant to the holder any other licence or permission required under any enactment or requirement and the holder is specifically advised to obtain such other approval as may be required.

11. The Consent Holder or employee shall not bring a motor vehicle into the Street Trading area other than for setting up or taking down of their facility.

12. The Consent Holder shall remove their outlet at the end of each days trading.

13. The Consent Holder must be 18 years of age or over and shall be responsible at all times for control of the outlet. Any persons assisting on the outlet shall be 18 years of age or over.

14. No animal shall be present on any stall or vehicle.

15. The Consent Holder shall not place any free standing signs or goods upon the Street.

16. The Consent Holder shall not exhibit on the site any advertising signs, posters or such like except as may be approved by the Licensing Manager or Licensing Officer.

17. The Consent Holder must gain prior written approval from the Council to site a table and chairs in the area adjacent to their pitch.

18. The Consent Holder or his employees are expressly forbidden to sell, display or wear any article which is or is intended to be offensive either in writing or pictures. The Licensing & Land Charges Manager decision is final and should be consulted if doubt exists on whether article/material could be considered offensive.

19. The Consent Holder shall display in a prominent position his Street Trading Consent authorisation for the relevant trading period.

20. The Consent is personal to the Consent Holder and is not transferable and it shall not be construed as creating a tenancy or lease and the Consent Holder shall at no time have the exclusive right to trade from the street or any part of it.

21. The Consent Holder shall comply with all reasonable requirements of the Licensing Officer, or any other authorised Officer of the District Council or Police Officer.

22. The Consent Holder may terminate the Consent by written notice to the Council at any time not withstanding the Council's right to terminate this consent at any time.

23. If a Consent Holder fails to comply with any of the conditions attached to their Consent, it will be revoked and may be subject to prosecution.

Last modified on 02 December 2016

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