Artists invited to put their work in the spotlight

Artists from across Staffordshire and beyond are once again being offered the chance to display their work at the Staffordshire Moorlands Open Art exhibition in the Spring.
From this year, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is taking over the organisation of the exhibition - and has no plans to change the winning formula other that adding a new category for young artists.
Councillor Arthur Forrester, Deputy Leader of the Council, said: "We are delighted to be taking over the reins of this prestigious exhibition which is now well established on the cultural calendar and I'd like to say a big thank you to Clare Mellor and Georgia Hamilton-Smith for their hard work, commitment and dedication in developing the exhibition into the success it has become.
"The Nicholson Gallery is the natural home for the Open Art Exhibition having hosted it since its inception so I'm thrilled that we will now be organising and coordinating the whole event. It's particularly exciting that we have been able to introduce a new category for young and upcoming artists from this year.
"It's a true 'open' exhibition in that you don't have to be a professional artist to enter your work. Over the years we've seen some extraordinary exhibits from across the art spectrum from photography, painting and drawing though to sculpture and textiles and I'm very much looking forward to seeing this year's collection on display in this fabulous venue later this year."
As in previous years, the exhibition will partner and run parallel with Leek Arts Festival and will be open from Saturday 15 April to Saturday 13 May.
Artists who want to see their work featured will need to hand in their work to the Nicholson Gallery between 10.30am and 3.30pm on Saturday 8 April.