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Clamping down on anti-social behaviour at Leek bus station

Leek's bus station this week becomes the first site in the Moorlands to be covered by a Public Space Protection Order aimed at stopping activities which have a detrimental effect on local residents.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and the Police have worked together to introduce the order, effective from 4 April, in response to local concerns about anti-social behaviour including noise, criminal damage, misuse of alcohol and vehicle nuisance.

Mark Trillo, Executive Director at the Council, said: "The order is for three years and has been put in place after local residents raised concerns about rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour in the area around the bus station and the Smithfield Centre. It's the first such order we've introduced so we'll be monitoring it to make sure it's having the desired effect."

Inspector Mark Thorley, Commander of Staffordshire Moorlands Local Policing Team, said: "Anti-social behaviour has been an on-going issue for some time and we have already worked hard to reduce this type of behaviour.

"This order, in conjunction with the work officers are already doing, will have a positive effect on the lives of the people living in the area."

Last modified on 28 December 2017

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