Art in the Park a great success despite the weather

This years Art in the Park (now in it's eleventh year) has been a great success with many visitors attending from near and far. The beautiful setting of Leeks's Brough Park provided an ideal place for the event which saw around 30 individual artisan stalls displaying a diverse array of wonderful arts and crafts. A variety of musicians also performed throughout the weekend despite the weather, and the sun even made an appearance on Sunday just in time for Poynton Youth Brass Band to play on the bandstand.
As part of the event there was a nature trail that proved very popular with many children who attended. Children who completed the trail were entered in to a competition to win sketch books that were donated by Leek & Buxton College and a set of art pencils. The winner of the competition was Emma Barker, with 2nd and 3rd prizes going to Harry Sinclair and Milena Serafin. Additionally, chainsaw carver and sculptor Anthony Hammond held a lucky prize draw to win a carved owl of which the winner was Kevin Souter.
Gareth Knapper, Project Officer at Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, said: "The event was a great success! Over the weekend we welcomed many talented and creative individuals who showcased a diverse selection of skills and Leek's wonderful heritage.
"People of all ages attended and really engaged with the displays, stalls and activities that were happening; it was great to see so many people getting involved with Art in the Park which just grows from strength to strength each year.
"We'd like to thank the Friends of Brough Park who provided refreshments in the bowling pavilion through-out the weekend which included some delicious home-made cakes!"
Throughout the weekend Leek Photography Society and Leek and Buxton College art students held exhibitions of their work; Leek Spinners, Weavers and Dyers showed their skills to everyone that attended; and many art-based activities were enjoyed by young and old with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and Borderland Voices.
For more information about the event and keep up to date on next year's event, or to see pictures from the weekend, visit