Look and feel good - recycle your bathroom items!

If everyone in the Moorlands recycled just one more deodorant spray we'd save enough energy to power a typical primary school for 37 days.
It's Recycle Week (25 September to 1 October) and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is teaming up with Recycle Now to encourage people to look and feel good by recycling bathroom items such as empty deodorants and finished-with fragrances.
In the UK almost 90% of packaging is recycled in our kitchens but that falls to around half (52%) of bathroom items. And over a third of us don't always recycle glass items such as empty perfume and aftershave bottles.
Councillor Arthur Forrester, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: "Whilst at first glance it might seem odd to link our personal hygiene routines to Recycling Week there's a good reason for doing so as so many people forget their bathroom items when disposing of their household waste.
"We're reminding residents that recycling just a few more items from around the house can make a real difference - so when you've squeezed the last of your shampoo and you're done with your deodorant, don't forget to add recycling to your bathroom routine."
Aerosols, such a hairsprays and deodorants, can be recycled again and again without any loss in quality so you may seem them come back in items such as parts of your mobile phone, dishwasher or even as another aerosol can.
Linda Crichton, Head of Recycle Now, said: "Many of us have our daily bathroom routines in place - whether we're getting ready to go to work, out for a party, or just settling down for a night in. During Recycle Week we are looking to shake up those routines and let people know that they can do good for the environment in the process of looking good.
"One tip is to put a recycling bag or bin in your bathroom or bedroom to make recycling an easy part of your routine."
Her top tips include:
- Empty and rinse containers before they go in the recycling bin
- Put caps and lids back on your glass containers before you put them in the grey bin
- Remove plastic lids and caps from air freshener, deodorant and shaving foam aerosols where easy to do so and place separately in the grey bin
- Mirrors and nail varnish bottles are not recyclable and should be put in your blue-lidded bin for general rubbish