Tunstall Road Masterplan information drop-in event

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is working with consultants, Sanderson Weatherall to create a vision for how mixed use development at Tunstall Road, Knypersley, Biddulph may look.
A drop-in information event, led by the consultants, is taking place on Tuesday 5 February 2019 between 11am and 7pm at Knypersley Sports Club, Tunstall Road, Knypersley, ST8 7AQ. Local residents and businesses are invited to come and view the options being explored and share their opinions to help feed into the design process.
Proposals include new land for business expansion opposite the existing Victoria Business Park which could accommodate up to 100,000 sqft of new accommodation with a range of tenures or as plots. The vision will then be shared with potential developers to shape their thinking in terms of what kind of development would be preferred by the community.