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Grant assistance

Grant information on disabled facilities, renovation, energy efficiency and funding

Home Repairs Assistance Grant

The aim of this type of assistance is to ensure that the most vulnerable householders living in the worst conditions receive help to ensure that their homes are safe to live in. It is also designed to help people bring an empty property back into use.

Examples of qualifying works are as follows:

  • General items of essential repair;
  • Replacement of lead water pipes;
  • Radon remedial works;
  • Energy efficiency works.
  • Top-up of funding where the costs associated with adaptation work exceeds the DFG Maximum limit.


This is a discretionary grant and is only available subject  to Capital resource allocations in each financial year.

These grants are targeted at vulnerable people, i.e.  those who are elderly, low-income households or disabled persons. The grant can also be claimed by persons who are in need assistance to bring an empty property back into long-term use for owner-occupation or rental.

Amount of Funding

The maximum funding that can be offered is £2,000.00 per property over a 2 year period.  Where the works are substantial in nature or will otherwise require a greater level of funding, a determination will be made by the Head of Service as to whether there is sufficient justification to approve a grant in excess of this amount on a case by case basis.

Applications for Home Repair Assistance can be made to the Private Sector Housing Team at Staffordshire Moorlands District Council via email to

Disabled facilities grants

A Disabled Facilities Grant is funding to help a disabled person adapt their home to make it easier and safer to live in.

The works must be necessary and appropriate.  This will need to be discussed between the disabled person and an Occupational Therapist or Trusted Assessor.

Energy efficiency

You may also be able to obtain grants towards energy efficiency improvements, such as insulation and central heating installation.

Find out more from the Beat the Cold website