Moorlands Council declares climate change emergency

Published on 16 July 2019
Plans to make the Staffordshire Moorlands carbon neutral by 2030 have been unanimously approved by the District Council.
At the full Council meeting last week councillors agreed to set up a sub committee to look at the effects of climate change and develop an action plan for tackling issues at a local level.
Councillor Sav Scalise, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: "Climate change affects everybody and we can all make a difference to our community and our district.
"I'm pleased that the Council has prioritised this issue and that we will continue to work with experts to carry out thorough research to look at the effects of climate change and to develop an achievable action plan so that we can take steps to tackle it in the Staffordshire Moorlands.
"It was heartening that this was a unanimous decision and that, collectively, the Council signalled its strong intention to work together now to ensure we leave the Moorlands, and ultimately, our world in a better position for future generations."