Cheadle encouraged by High Street Fund feedback

Published on 16 July 2019
Cheadle has been invited to re-submit its bid to the Future High Street Fund when it opens again next year.
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council's entry to the £675m Government fund to revitalise the town centres across the country was not shortlisted this time around - but the submission was praised for its merit with Fund organisers offering detailed feedback this summer ahead of the next bidding round in the New Year.
Councillor Sybil Ralphs, Leader of the Council and portfolio holder for regeneration, said: "As is to be expected when High Streets across the country are experiencing similar challenges, competition for this fund was extremely high with over 300 towns submitting bids.
"Whilst not progressing to round two this time is disappointing we are encouraged by the invitation to re-submit our bid. We're expecting feedback at the end of the summer which we will use to strengthen our proposals and hopefully ensure Cheadle is chosen to progress in the next funding round."
Meanwhile, the Council has this week submitted a bid to Historic England's Heritage Action Zone Fund to restore the architectural splendour along the High Street, Cross Street and around St Giles Church in Cheadle targeting key buildings and public realm improvements.
Councillor Ralphs added: "We're committed to doing what we can to ensure our towns are able to evolve and adapt to the changes in our shopping and leisure habits and will continue to seek investment opportunities wherever we can."