Changes to Christmas bin collections online now

Published on 16 December 2019
Christmas is almost here and whatever you have planned this year remembering any changes to bin collections is probably the last thing on your list!
Thankfully Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is here to help. Our online bin day checker is now up-to-date with any Christmas collection changes.
Collections of grey and blue-lidded bins which would normally fall on Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year's Day will be altered while brown bin collections will be suspended until after the holiday season.
Although brown bins will not be collected over Christmas, residents are advised to continue putting all cooked and uncooked food waste (including vegetable peelings and bones) in their bin in preparation for the rounds to begin again in the New Year.
Councillor Sav Scalise, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: "We all lead busy lives, especially at this time of year, so we're making it as easy as possible for people to check any changes to their bin collections over the festive season.
"All residents need to do is enter their street name or postcode into our online checker and then select their address to access their bin collection information which includes any holiday changes. Our website also has information about which items go in which bins should anyone need a reminder!"
Brown bin collections will be suspended from Monday 23 December to Friday 3 January.
For full details of the changes, visit
Anyone without internet access can contact the Council in the usual ways to check any changes to their Christmas collections.