Celebrate the season responsibly say Council and Police

Published on 23 December 2019
Christmas is a time for getting together with friends and family to celebrate the season - and the Council and Police have teamed up to ask everyone to share the festive spirit by drinking responsibly and being mindful of the impact their actions can have on others.
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council's licensing team has launched its 'Intoxicated? No Sale!' campaign to raise public awareness that it is unlawful for alcohol to be sold to anyone who has had too much to drink and that licensees have a duty to refuse to serve or refuse entry to people showing signs of excessive alcohol consumption.
It's supported by promotional materials in licensed premises making it clear that this is the law and not the personal view of those working there so that bar staff and security teams can feel confident in refusing entry or service to people who have drunk too much.
The campaign is being launched in Leek Town Centre, in partnership with the licensed premises that support the Leek Pubwatch Scheme, before being rolled out across Leek and then into Biddulph and Cheadle in the New Year..
Councillor Mike Bowen, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, said: "We all like to let our hair down a little at Christmas and we are not here to ruin anyone's night out. We know that the vast majority of people will enjoy the festivities without drinking too much.
"But we want to send a message to those who might carry their celebrations too far that their behaviour when drunk can have significant consequences for other people and that they leave themselves vulnerable to opportunists.
"We will support all licensees who take action to refuse service or entry to anyone whose excessive drinking presents a risk to themselves or others. So I'd urge everyone out and about in Leek to think of the consequences of their actions and drink responsibly so that everyone can enjoy themselves this Christmas."
Bar staff will wear campaign-branded T-shirts, with hi-vis jackets for security staff, and posters, bar-runners and badges bearing the 'Intoxicated? No sale!' message will be on view in licensed premises.
The action is supported by the Moorland Together Partnership, Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire and Rescue and Crime, Staffordshire Police and PABCIS - the Pubwatch co-ordinators for Staffordshire Moorlands.
Rob Peacock from the Police said: "We are delighted to support this campaign. Often it can be extremely challenging for bar staff to refuse service and we hope that this campaign has enough visibility to empower staff to use the message to support their decision not to serve an intoxicated individual."
Julie Davies, PABCIS Manager, added: "The campaign is essential for our Pubwatch members who are at the forefront of the night-time economy and who sometimes have to make difficult choices on who to serve or let into their premises, particularly at Christmas time. We support the campaign message and believe it will enable our members to back up their decisions with confidence."