Moorlands says 'thank you' to volunteering heroes

Published 3 June 2020
Amongst the many things the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted is the critical role volunteers play in their local communities.
It's Volunteers' Week this week (I - 7 June) so there's no better time to not only recognise the work they are doing to support people through this period but also their invaluable contributions to our society at all other times.
And the Leader of the District Council and the Cabinet Member for Communities are taking this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who selflessly gives their time to help others.
Councillor Sybil Ralphs, Council Leader, said: "The current situation has affected every one of us and I have been particularly struck, but not surprised, by how individuals and groups alike have responded to this crisis and their willingness to help others in these difficult times.
"We have an army of volunteers across the Moorland who carry out selfless acts of kindness and show neighbourly spirit on a daily basis and not just in times of national emergency.
"Your example is truly inspiring and I want to say a sincere thank you each and every one of you for all you have done and continue to do to support your communities so that we come through this period stronger and together."
The Council's Cabinet Member for Communities, Councillor Mike Bowen, added his own tribute: "Volunteers' Week is the perfect opportunity to shine a spotlight on the enormous impact our volunteers make day in, day out and to celebrate their significant contribution to our society.
"This year we have even more volunteers to thank - from those who are looking out for their neighbours and making sure those who are vulnerable have the food and medicines they need, to those making calls to isolated people and being a very welcome, friendly voice on the telephone.
"The care and support you show is truly humbling and I want to say an enormous thank you to all the heroes across the Moorlands who give up their time to help others. You are the lifeblood of our District and we genuinely appreciate all you do."