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Tips for living life with less plastic

Published on 06 July 2020

With statistics showing that 80% of plastics in the world's oceans come from sources on the land, reducing our reliance on plastics - and particularly single use plastics - is something many people aspire to.

Even in places miles away from the sea, like the Moorlands, plastic which isn't recycled correctly can make its way to the seas. But small measures, such as replacing single use plastics with more sustainable alternatives can make a real difference.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, and its waste partner AES, have produced a toolkit full of ideas and suggestions that people can build into their daily lives to help reduce the amount of single use plastic being used.

Cabinet Member for the Environment, Councillor Sav Scalise, said: "We shouldn't fear plastics as they play an important role in our lives on a daily basis when used responsibly.

"However, there has been a big reliance on single use plastics which is now causing damage to our planet. Whilst they are often the convenient option they are rarely the best option - and there are plenty of simple things we can all do to help us reduce our reliance on this type of material in our day to day lives such as using re-usable cups, drinks bottles and shopping bags.

"Small changes like this can make a huge difference so we've put together some ideas and suggestions to help you get started and I'd encourage everyone to take a look at these handy hints and tips and to try some of them out."

Find out more and download the 'Life with Less Plastic' toolkit on our website

Last modified on 25 February 2021

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