Partnership project to return vibrancy to Cheadle

Published 13 October 2020
Ambitious plans to regenerate Cheadle will focus on returning the vibrancy to the town by revitalising the high street and investing in community health, leisure and well-being facilities and new homes.
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is committed to creating safer and healthier environments for communities to live and work in and to creating a strong economy by regenerating towns and villages - with plans for Cheadle a high priority.
Consultants appointed by the District and County Councils have now prepared options for a regeneration masterplan and investment strategy.
To ensure the options that are ultimately taken forward are the right ones, a Cheadle Town Centre Delivery Board, supported by a Stakeholder Panel, will be set up to oversee the development and delivery of the projects.
Representatives from the District and County Councils, the North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the Chair of the Stakeholder Panel will sit on the Board whilst the Stakeholder Panel will comprise members from the District and Town Councils, the Chamber of Commerce, a business representative and the voluntary sector.
Councillor Sybil Ralphs, Leader of the Council and Cabinet member for regeneration, said: "Our vision for Cheadle is to return the vibrancy to the high street and provide the community health, leisure and well-being facilities, and housing to support current residents and businesses and attract new people.
"There are lots of exciting ideas and suggestions for how we use some of the key sites to do just that. But the key to making sure our vision becomes a reality is bringing together people who share our ambitions at the outset so that the investment we make and the projects we take forward, such as a brand new leisure centre, are those that are genuinely the best for Cheadle.
"We are just at the start of the process now and I'm very much looking forward to reviewing and assessing the options with our partners so that, in due course, we can share more details and everyone with an interest in the town can be involved in shaping how it develops in the coming months and years."