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Virtual landlord forum aimed at preventing homelessness

Published on 28 October 2020

Private landlords across the Moorlands are invited to join a virtual forum taking place next week aimed at preventing homelessness in the district following the six-month ban on evictions.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is keen to work with landlords to improve understanding of the significant changes to notices and possession action; to highlight the support that is available; and to work in partnership to ensure tenancies remain viable and homelessness is prevented.

A webinar is taking place on Tuesday 3 November between 10.30am and midday with speakers including the NRLA National Landlords Association, DASH Services, DWP and staff from the Council's housing and benefits teams.

Adullam Homes, who the Council commissions to provide pre-tenancy training, a rent deposit scheme and tenancy support for landlords and tenants, will also be taking part.

And attendees will hear from 'Call Before You Serve' - a dedicated, bespoke service to help landlords resolve difficulties they may with tenants so they don't have to serve notice - about the support they can offer.

Councillor Mike Bowen, Cabinet Member for Communities, said: "This event will be invaluable in helping landlords to understand what the changes mean for them and how to access support in meeting their changing obligations.

"By working together in this way we're aiming to prevent people becoming homeless by addressing issues before they get to that stage and I'd encourage landlords across the district to join this online event."

The event will be recorded so if you're interested but unable to attend please reserve a place to receive the recording.

Go to for more information and to register.

Last modified on 25 February 2021

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