Moorlands moves into the Covid high alert category

Published on 29 October 2020
Staffordshire Moorlands is set to join the rest of Staffordshire in Tier 2 - the high alert Covid category - from 00.01 on Saturday 31 October.
The Government has announced that every area of the county will be subject to the greater restrictions as the number of confirmed cases continues to rise.
The new restrictions mean that people living anywhere in the Moorlands will no longer be able to meet other households in any indoor setting and should only travel if essential.
Councillor Sybil Ralphs, Leader of the District Council, said: "Despite all our efforts the infection rate continues to rise so moving into Tier 2 is a shot across our bows that we need to be strict in our observance of the guidance to help bring the number of confirmed cases down.
"We know how hard it is for everyone to have to limit social contact with friends and family but it is more important than ever that we all do what we can to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
"If we don't act now we risk even greater restrictions being introduced which is something I firmly believe we are all keen to avoid. Everyone knows the basic methods of reducing the spread - regular hand washing, wearing face coverings, making space and sticking to the 'rule of six' including children of any age.
"Along with the new high alert category measures of not meeting with other households indoors and avoiding all but essential travel, these simple steps remain our best line of defence against the virus.
"So please I urge everyone to follow the guidance and work together to bring cases down and keep the Moorlands out of the very high category which would mean further disruption and the closure of some businesses."
Councillor Mark Deaville, Deputy Leader and the District Council's representative on the Local Outbreak Control Board, said: "Whilst we didn't want to be in this position the sharp increase in infection rates has left us with little choice.
"The best way to get back to the 'medium' level as quickly as possible is to bring the numbers back down. The virus not going away and we know it is spread through social contact so, as difficult as it is, we must deny it the opportunity to spread by limiting who we see and sticking to the rules."
For more information on what 'high' alert means and the help and support available visit