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Support local businesses and shop local this Christmas

Published on 3 December 2021

With the advent of December the countdown to Christmas starts in earnest - and the Moorlands is the ideal place to shop, socialise and tick off the other seasonal essentials on your list.

It's set to be a busy few weeks with people keen to make the most of the festivities after the Covid restrictions in place last year and the District Council is doing its bit to support shoppers, local businesses and markets - as well as reminding people to stay Covid safe.

To encourage people to rediscover and explore centres across the Moorlands, gift guides featuring some of the fantastic independent shops in the area have been distributed to every household.

Councillor Sybil Ralphs, Leader of the Council, said: "Christmas is always a special time in the Moorlands but especially so this year as people return to town centres to shop, socialise and enjoy the seasonal events.

"It's always a key period for shops, markets and businesses and, this year more than ever, they need us all to show them our support by shopping locally and buying the gifts and food and drink that make Christmas special from Moorlands businesses and retailers.

"We're supporting our high streets to thrive and everyone can help by shopping locally this Christmas - and throughout the New Year too!"

The Council has used Welcome Back funding to support a range of activities, including the gift guide, to ensure a safe return to towns.

You may have spotted bus adverts promoting the 'shop local' and 'shop safely' messaging and there's a Facebook page - - which during December will feature an advent calendar of daily offers.

Councillor Ralphs added: "Everyone is welcome to come to the Moorlands and we want people to feel that it's safe for them and their loved ones so, in line with revised England-wide regulations, we're asking people to wear face coverings in shops and on public transport and to take a test before meeting up with others.

"We all want to see our families and friends to celebrate the season so let's all take care of each other whilst enjoying these final weeks leading up to Christmas."

Last modified on 09 June 2022

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