New Council Leader pledges to listen to local people

Published on 10 May 2022
The new Leader of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has pledged to make positive changes for residents and businesses - and to listen to local people about what they'd like to see happen in the area.
Councillor Paul Roberts was elected Leader at the Council's annual meeting last week and has already announced some changes including returning Leek's outdoor Wednesday market stalls to Sparrow Park and Derby Street and allowing the use of the Trestle Market for Scooterfest.
The changes to the location of the Wednesday outdoor market start this week meaning the Market Place will be available for parking.
Councillor Roberts said: "I'm honoured to have been chosen as the new Leader of the Council and am looking forward to delivering positive changes for the people of the Moorlands. To do that successfully, we need to listen to what people want to see happen in their communities - and then act on it.
"In recent months, I have heard the views that have been expressed locally about stalls trading from the Market Place and I've also met traders to hear their thoughts on the future of the market.
"As a result, from this week, all the market stalls will be going back to Sparrow Park and Derby Street and the Market Place will be available for parking once again. We hope that this will encourage people to come and support the traders and the other businesses in the town."
Councillor Roberts said he would also be reviewing the car parking strategy and capital spending projects having listened to residents views.
If you'd like to share your suggestions for the Moorlands with the Leader, please email