Views sought on key planning document

Published on 12 May 2023
Moorlanders are being asked for their views on a key planning document which sets out guidance for calculating the contributions developers pay to offset the impact of development.
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is preparing the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document - guidance for affordable housing, open spaces, education, health and other infrastructure required to address the impact of development and how much and what contributions will be expected to, for example, ensure playing pitches are provided or that financial contributions are provided to support demand on school places.
It follows consultation carried out last year on a Developer Contributions Issues and Options paper. Comments received during that consultation have informed the development of the draft document that the Council is now seeking views on.
Head of Development Services at the Council, Ben Haywood, said: "Local communities often comment on the impact of development on infrastructure and services in their area so it's important that we involve them in the discussions around how we address that and how much developers contribute towards it.
"The consultation runs for four weeks so please take a look at the documents and tell us what you think - your comments will be taken into account as the document is finalised."
The consultation is now open and people have until midnight on Friday 9 June to share their views.
You can view the SPD and the associated documents on the Council's website and comments can be submitted online, or by email to or in writing to Planning Policy, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek, ST13 6HQ.
Paper copies are also available to view during normal opening hours at Biddulph Town Hall, 15a - 17 High Street, Cheadle, at Moorlands House in Leek and at all libraries across the District.