Memorial safety testing in Moorlands cemeteries

Published on 14 March 2024
Ensuring the safety of everyone visiting or working in cemeteries across the Staffordshire Moorlands is a priority for the District Council.
A rolling programme of memorial safety testing is in place to assess the stability of memorials and, where necessary, put measures in place to address any safety issues identified.
Work will be taking place in our cemeteries and the closed churchyards we are responsible for across the Moorlands over the coming months.
A Faculty Notice application has been made to Lichfield Diocese and work can only begin once this is approved.
Notices advising that this work is due to happen will be posted on site at all closed churchyards and consecrated areas before the safety testing begins.
Trained employees will carry out the assessment work and, if necessary, carry out temporary measures to make memorials safe using a stake and a band. Notices will be posted detailing the reasons why the memorial has been assessed as unsafe together with contact details for further information.
Councillor Bill Cawley, Cabinet Member for Communities, said: "This is important work which protects everyone and I would like to reassure everyone with memorials to loved ones in cemeteries that it will be carried out with the utmost respect and sensitivity.
"The sole aim of the assessments is to keep people safe. Every effort will be made to contact the families of the memorials affected and we will offer advice on necessary repairs.
"I'd like to thank people for their understanding whilst we carry out this essential work."
If a memorial remains unrepaired after six months, it will be partially sunk for safety until the family arranges for a registered mason to carry out the repairs.
You can find out more about memorial safety testing on our website where you'll also find the answers to some frequently asked questions.