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Views sought on Cheadle market

Views are being sought on options for improving Cheadle's Market Hall and the outdoor marketplace.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has long viewed the market as central to regenerating the town and it was successful in buying the indoor market building in a live auction last autumn.

The Council is now considering options for the building and the outdoor marketplace - and we want to hear from everyone who has an interest in the markets.

Public drop-in sessions are taking place at Tape Street car park between 10am and 2pm on 20 and 21 March and an online survey has been launched where people can share their views.

Councillor Matt Swindlehurst, Cabinet member for Leisure and Tourism, said: "We want to see our towns thriving and buying the market is a key part of our plans to regenerate Cheadle and boost the local economy.

"This market, on the High Street, will be at the heart of that so it's essential that whatever we invest in is viable and makes a significant contribution to the future success of the town.

"Lots of people will have views about the market and we want to hear from everyone who is also interested as we consider options for its future. There are plenty of ways to do that by either coming along to the drop-in sessions, completing the survey or emailing the team at the Council with your thoughts. We look forward to hearing from you."

The survey runs until 21 March and you can email the Council at by the same date if you prefer.

The information collected will help the Council better understand how to ensure the market contributes positively to the town and its residents and visitors.

The feedback gathered relates to the indoor and outdoor High Street markets only and does not currently include any changes to the Greyhound Walk market.

Published on 6 March 2025

Last modified on 06 March 2025

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