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Sports grants

Sports Grants: 2024-2025

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council actively values the contribution that qualified sports coaches, sports clubs and individuals make to the local sporting community.  We have grants available to help with the financial demands of training, learning, developing skills and competing. Grants will be available to the following groups:

  • Sports coaches
  • Sports clubs
  • Individuals (low income or registered disabled)

The grants application process is open until March 2025.

Grants for sports coaches

We recognise the financial demands placed on coaches who wish to further develop their skills by attending training courses and workshops.  This grant scheme is in place to help existing and potential sports coaches to obtain essential training and qualifications. We are particularly keen to hear from coaches from under represented sports to encourage their development.  We also want to hear from coaches who will be able add significantly to the development of sporting opportunities within the Staffordshire Moorlands.

Grants for sports clubs

We value the contribution of local clubs and organisations in enhancing the local sporting community and the quality of life in the Staffordshire Moorlands. This grant scheme is in place to encourage local clubs and organisations to further develop their activities and their knowledge along with the opportunities they provide.  We are particularly interested in hearing about initiatives that engage with hard to reach groups that are not currently well represented. We are particularly keen to reach people who have not had the opportunities to be active that others have. This could include the development of a new disability activity session or one to engage with girls and young women.

Grants for individuals (low income or registered disabled)

We actively value the contribution that talented sports people make to the local sporting community.  We also recognise the financial demand placed on people aiming to reach the pinnacle of their sport. This can be a particular challenge for people on low incomes or for disabled athletes, where additional costs can frequently occur.  This grant scheme will help and encourage talented local sports people to achieve their full sporting potential, irrespective of their financial position or disability.