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Apply for a drivers licence

How to apply for a private hire operator or a drivers licence, and what you need to provide us with

It is an offence to drive, or employ someone to drive, a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle in the borough without a licence issued by the council.

Who can apply for a licence

Application process for a new combined driver licence (PDF, 216 KB)

There is no limit on the number of licences that we issue to companies, but there are several conditions.

Drivers must:

  • be 21 years of age or above
  • have held a driving licence for over 12 months
  • show that they are a fit and proper person (we may ask about your current circumstances)

It is an offence to mislead the council by giving us false information.

How to apply

 New Drivers Licence Application Form (PDF, 181 KB)

From 1st March 2020, all Staffordshire Moorlands New Drivers requiring a DBS and DVLA check need to apply on-line with our partner Taxi Plus through the following website.  (The Driver will be given instructions via the website regarding identification requirements)

If you have a query about your DBS Police check for Staffordshire Moorlands District Council please refer to the frequently asked questions or contact

Dedicated Helpline Number:  01254 355679
(please note that this is for DBS enquiries only)

If you have a general enquiry about the licence application process, please contact the Licensing Team at

Approving your application

Once the forms have been completed, you must come into the council offices at Leek so that your application documents can be verified.

All drivers must complete a BTEC Level 2 Qualification in the introduction to the role of the Professional Taxi or Private Hire Driver OR the NVQ Level 2 certificate in Road Passenger Vehicle Driving (Taxi and Private Hire Driver) OR an equivalent. This is a pre-application requirement and failure to present the qualification will mean that your Application will be rejected. The Licensing Authority does not place any restriction on where the BTEC or NVQ qualification is obtained, as long as it meets the criteria above. The Authority does not provide access to BTEC /NVQ Training and it is up to the individual applicant to source their own training provision.

What it costs

Read about our fees and charges


 If you have convictions you may be required to attend before the Licensing Panel to explain the circumstances and it will then be for the elected members to decide whether you should be granted a licence.


How to renew your drivers or vehicle licence.

Last modified on 20 February 2025

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