Kingsley Road Footpath Diversion Referral
Objections have been made against a footpath diversion order made on the 19th September 2021. This means that the Council cannot confirm the order itself and has referred it to the Planning Inspectorate to make a decision as to whether the order should be confirmed or not. Papers containing information about the order and the objections that have been made can be accessed below.
Completed Checklist FDO Kingsley Road Cellarhead (PDF, 173 KB)
Document 01 sealed copy Order and Order plan (PDF, 658 KB)
Document 02 submission letter (PDF, 241 KB)
Document 03 Statement of Reasons with appendices (PDF, 8 MB)
Document 04 Representations and objections to the order (PDF, 3 MB)
Document 05 Cutting LeekPostTimes Advert 22.09.21 1 (PDF, 3 MB)
Document 06 Certification of Consultation Signed.docx (PDF, 21 KB)
Document 07 name and address of statutory consultees (PDF, 84 KB)
Document 08 location plan (PDF, 43 KB)
E-mail response 17.2.22 from the Council to PINS letter dated 8.2.22 (PDF, 23 KB)
E-mail response 17.2.22 from the Council to PINS letter dated 8.2.22 - map (PDF, 2 MB)
E-mail response 17.2.22 from the Council to PINS letter dated 8.2.22 - statement (PDF, 114 KB)
E-mail response 17.2.22 from the Council to PINS letter dated 8.2.22 regarding the procedure for considering objections to the Kingsley Road diversion order. (PDF, 33 KB)
Correspondence from the planning inspectorate 09 Mar 2022 (PDF, 32 KB)
Notice of Order (PDF, 167 KB)
Correspondence from PINS - 9th May 2022 (PDF, 29 KB)
Rob Duncan Letter 04-03-22 (PDF, 432 KB)
Statements of case (SOC) from objectors to the order (PDF, 1 MB)
Local Planning Authority regarding site visit dated 21.6.22 (PDF, 31 KB)
Comments in response to statements of case from objectors (PDF, 1 MB)
Comments in response to statements of case from the applicant (PDF, 439 KB)