Pick-Fit collects more than just litter at MJ Awards

Published 1 July 2022
Staffordshire Moorlands Pick-Fit scheme, which encourages people to be active in their local community whilst reducing the scourge of litter, has been highly commended in the national MJ Awards.
The scheme, designed and operated by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and its waste partner AES, took second place in the Delivering Better Outcomes category which looks at how Council teams have made a real difference to the lives of their residents by providing better outcome-focused projects or services.
Cabinet member for Environment, Councillor Sav Scalise, said: "We're absolutely delighted that this innovative scheme has been recognised at national level - it's a fantastic achievement and a fitting tribute to the staff that created it and all of those volunteers across the Moorlands who have got involved and taken part.
"A lot of work went into the development of Pick-Fit, with many services working together to offer a great scheme to our residents, and we're thrilled with the response it's received and the enthusiasm for it amongst our communities.
"We hope that this success at these national awards will encourage even more people to sign-up and get Pick-Fit!"
Since it was launched last year, Pick-Fit has had over 500 registrations and seen litter-pickers collect over 3 tonnes of litter.
Those signing up receive a pack containing a pick, gloves, high-vis vest and bin bags. Once they've completed the clean up, and sent proof, volunteers receive a pass for a free week at the leisure centre.
Find out more and sign up at www.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk/pick-fit
Notes to Editors
The MJ Awards promote and celebrate British public sector local authority achievements. The awards have been held every year since 2004.