Green Spaces Strategy
Our green spaces have a major part to play in community and family life.
They are places for us to socialise, enjoy being active, connect with nature and wildlife, relax and reflect.
This ten-year Green Spaces Strategy draws together our ambitions for our open spaces, parks and recreation areas. Our vision is:
- Our green spaces will be vibrant, attractive, robust and actively managed spaces for the whole community to enjoy. They will be future-proofed to provide climate resilience and enhanced biodiversity while supporting the health and wellbeing of our communities.
We'll use this Strategy as a framework to prioritise how we manage our parks and green spaces now and in the future. It will be used as a reference point to guide discussions and help develop new initiatives through collaborative working with community and interest groups.
It's been developed to reflect the hard work and contributions of a wide range of partners and we'd like to thanks everyone who has been, and continues to be, involved in maintaining, developing and improving our precious green spaces.
Green Spaces Strategy (PDF, 5 MB)
Green Space Development Fund
We're excited to offer Town and Parish Councils grants of up to £500 to transform and improve public parks, gardens, and green spaces, making them more inviting, accessible, and enjoyable for all residents.