Neighbourhood planning
Find out about neighbourhood planning areas in the Moorlands and how to get involved with them
Neighbourhood planning enables members of a local community to take forward planning proposals for the neighbourhood in which they live. Neighbourhood Development Plans are voluntary local planning policy documents that are written and developed by a community, usually led by a town or parish council.
Once a neighbourhood plan is made and adopted, it will form part of the Development Plan for Staffordshire Moorlands. This means that it will become a main consideration within the local planning system.
How to get involved
We can offer the following assistance to help you produce a neighbourhood plan:
- advice and guidance, including an initial meeting to explain the process
- provision of local maps
- specialist technical advice, offering a 'critical friend' role throughout the drafting of the plan
- assistance with consultation and publicity programmes
Where are the Neighbourhood Planning Areas in the Moorlands?
SMDC Neighbourhood Plan Areas July 2018 (PDF, 845 KB)
Name of Designated Neighbourhood Area: Leekfrith
Date of Designation: 24 March 2015 (Staffordshire Moorlands District Council) and 13 March 2015 (Peak District National Park Authority)
Relevant body: Leekfrith Parish Council
Progress: Following a positive referendum result on 6 June 2021, under Section 38A (4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council (under delegated powers on 30th June 2021) and the Peak District National Park Authority (at a meeting of the Planning Committee on 11th June 2021) resolved to make the Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan.
The Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Development Plans for Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and the Peak District National Park Authority.
The Plan sets out planning policies for Leekfrith Neighbourhood Area concerning: the redevelopment of Upper Hulme Mill, full-time rental of holiday accommodation, the requirement for a transport statement and parking at the Roaches.
Leekfrith Neighbourhood Area Map (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)
View more on the Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan
Name of Designated Neighbourhood Area: Biddulph
Date of Designation: 16 February 2016
Relevant body: Biddulph Town Council
Progress: The Neighbourhood Plan and Neighbourhood Development Order will go to Referendum in the Biddulph Neighbourhood Area on 7th December 2023
Biddulph Town Council application letter (PDF, 107 KB) (opens new window) Biddulph Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
View more about the Biddulph Neighbourhood Plan
Name of Designated Neighbourhood Area: Brown Edge
Date of Designation: 16 February 2016
Relevant body: Brown Edge Parish Council
Progress: The Neighbourhood Plan Area was designated in February 2016. For further information please see the Brown Edge Neighbourhood Plan.
Brown Edge Parish Council application letter (PDF, 87 KB) (opens new window) Brown Edge Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
Name of Designated Neighbourhood Area: Checkley
Date of Designation: 16 February 2016
Relevant body: Checkley Parish Council
Progress: A Draft of the Neighbourhood Plan has been received by the Council. The period for representations on the content of this Draft Plan was between 2nd March and 13th April 2023. A letter dated 29th June 2023 has been received from the appointed examiner Chris Collison, to confirm that the examination formally commenced on 29th June 2023. Update 26 July 2023. The Independent Examiner Chris Collison has, at the request of Checkley Parish Council, paused the Independent Examination for three months to allow the Parish Council an adequate opportunity to comment on the Regulation 16 representations of other parties. Having received the Parish Council comments the Independent Examiner re-commenced the Independent Examination on 26 September 2023.
A referendum on the adoption of the Checkley Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 2nd May 2024 to decide on the question below:
'Do you want Staffordshire Moorlands District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Checkley to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'
View more about the Checkley Neighbourhood Plan
Name of proposed designated Neighbourhood Area: Draycott in the Moors
Date of Designation: 19 July 2016
Relevant Body: Draycott in the Moors Parish Council
Progress: The Neighbourhood Area was designated on 19 July 2016
Draycott-in-the Moors Neighbourhood Area Map (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)
View more on the Draycott Neighbourhood Plan
Name of designated Neighbourhood Area: Rushton
Date of Designation: 14 February 2017
Relevant Body: Rushton Parish Council
Progress: The Neighbourhood Area was designated on 14 February 2017
Rushton Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation and Application Letter (PDF, 685 KB)
Name of designated Neighbourhood Area: Forsbrook
Date of Designation: 11 April 2018
Relevant Body: Forsbrook Parish Council
Progress: The Neighbourhood Area was designated on 11 April 2018
Forsbrook Parish Council application letter (PDF, 46 KB) Forsbrook Neighbourhood Plan Map (PDF, 2 MB)
Name of designated Neighbourhood Area: Leek
Date of Designation: 20 July 2018
Relevant Body: Leek Town Council
Progress: A volunteer steering group has been formed and community consultation undertaken.
Leek Neighbourhood Area Map (PDF, 3 MB)
Leek Neighbourhood Area Letter of Application (PDF, 507 KB)
Find out more about the Leek Neighbourhood Plan
Name of Designated Neighbourhood Area: Werrington
Date of Designation: 11 February 2025
Relevant Body: Werrington Parish Council
Progress: The Neighbourhood Area was designated on 11 February 2025
WPC Request for Designation of a Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 137 KB)
Werrington Designated Area Map (PDF, 7 MB)
Parish Councils
Parish and town councils should contact us for advice if interested in neighbourhood planning.