Find links to the most popular information requests such as find your bin day, search and track a planning application and current job vacancies.
For more services, visit our Residents, Business and Your Council pages.
Check if you need planning permission
Find out if you need planning permission, through the National Portal or our householder advice service
Search and track planning applications
You can search for any planning application received since 2001 online
Find your bin day
To find your bin day, just enter your postcode and select your address from the list
See why your bin has not been emptied
Our bin wagons are fitted with a system that records any issues the crews may have had with collections when out and about on their rounds
Check your benefits online
Set up and access your My Benefits account
Check your council tax online
You can now set up a 'My Council Tax' account, which will enable you to access information online
Find a home
Find a home with Home Options or a local housing association
Homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
You may find yourself homeless or at risk of becoming homeless for many reasons - whatever your situation the most important thing is to get advice as soon as possible, before the situation goes too far
Business support and advice
Help and advice for businesses around Staffordshire Moorlands
Business funding
A database of funding available for your business
Current job vacancies
Find out the latest job vacancies at the council
Register to vote
Information on registering to vote
Councillor Information
Find out who your local councillor is, how to contact them and details of their allowances and expenses
Meetings, minutes and agendas
View meetings, agendas and minutes, or watch live web casts of council meetings