All our services
Here is a list of all our residents, business and your council services available
Commercial sites and properties
Use our business property search to find commercial properties around the Staffordshire Moorlands
Here you'll find everything you need to know about Licensing
Tenders and contracts
Information on how to do business with the council
Planning and building regulations for business
Here you will find everything you need to know about planning and building regulations for businesses
Business waste and recycling
We provide a commercial waste and recycling collection service across the Staffordshire Moorlands at competitive prices
Food business regulations
Advice for food businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic
Interactive planning map
View our interactive planning map and guidance
Commercial pests and pollution
Find information on our commercial pests and pollution service
Housing developers and private landlords
Get information on private housing disrepair, house of multiple occupancy, empty properties and the landlord accreditation scheme
Commercial noise and nuisance
Information for businesses on noise and nuisance complaints
Info on local events for businesses
Our business newsletter
Keep up to date with business news from around the Staffordshire Moorlands
Councillor Information
Find out who your local councillor is, how to contact them and details of their allowances and expenses
Meetings, minutes and agendas
View meetings, agendas and minutes, or watch live web casts of council meetings
Voting and elections
Information on registering to vote, up-coming elections, past elections and more
How the council works
Here you'll find how the council works, how we make decisions, an overview of council committees and more
Spending and performance
Here you can find information on the councils spending and financial performance
Policies, plans and strategies
Information and links to councils policies, plans and strategies
Chairman of Staffordshire Moorlands
Find information on the Chairman of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Jobs and training
Find out information on jobs available at the council