Planning Inquiry Froghall Road, Cheadle
Public Inquiry: Land to the east of Froghall Road, Cheadle, Staffordshire, SK10 2DN
PINS REF: APP/B33438/W/24/3351035
The Council's reference is: SMD/2021/0610
A public inquiry has taken place regarding an appeal that has been made against the refusal of an application made by Bloor Homes NW Ltd to the Council for residential development with access considered (all other matters reserved) on land to the east of Froghall Road, Cheadle
The Council's decision can be viewed here:
About the public inquiry
A Planning Inspector has been appointed by the Secretary of State and the appeal has been heard by way of a public inquiry on the 28th, 29th and 30th January 2025. The inquiry was closed on the 3rd February 2025 following submission of additional information by the parties. The decision of the Inspector will be published on this website once received and is expected at any time between approximately 4 and 12 weeks following close of the inquiry.
All inquiry sessions have been webcast save the morning of the 29th January 2025, which for technical reasons was not webcast, the webcast sessions may be viewed here:
If you can't find the information you are looking for and/or need help with anything related to this inquiry please send your question to Hannah Varley at .
Parties to the Appeal
The Council appeared at the inquiry as the Local Planning Authority.
The Appellant - the applicant for the planning permission that is now being appealed - brought evidence to show reason why planning consent should be granted and asked the Inspector to allow the appeal and grant their application.
Each party to the appeal submitted a Statement of case that may be viewed here:
Council's Statement of Case (PDF, 806 KB)
Appellant's Statement of Case with Appendices (PDF, 2 MB)
Case Management Conference
On the 2nd December 2024 the Planning Inspector appointed to hear this appeal on behalf of the Secretary of State held a case management conference with the representatives for the Council, the Appellant and a representative from Kingsley Parish Council which took place virtually.
No discussion took place on merits of the respective parties cases and no evidence was heard or submitted. The purpose of the conference was to set out a clear indication of the ongoing management of the appeals and the presentation of the evidence so that the forthcoming inquiry is conducted in the most efficient and effective manner.
View copies of the CMC summary and Note here:
Inspectors Pre-CMC Note (PDF, 151 KB)
Post CMC Summary Note from Inspector (PDF, 164 KB)
Evidence Submitted to the Planning Inspectorate
The Council and the Appellant have exchange proofs of evidence which can be viewed here:
Evidence for the Council:
Mrs J Gregory Proof of Evidence, Planning (PDF, 475 KB)
Mr Ryder Summary Landscape Proof of Evidence (PDF, 109 KB)
Mr Ryder Landscape Proof of Evidence (PDF, 5 MB)
Mr Ryder Appendices to Landscape Proof of Evidence (PDF, 11 MB)
Mr Mark Clifford Proof of Evidence, Heritage (PDF, 1 MB)
Evidence for the Appellant:
Mr J Coxon Proof of Evidence, Planning (PDF, 962 KB)
Mr J Coxon Summary Proof of Evidence, Planning (PDF, 484 KB)
Mr J coxon Appendices to Planning Proof of Evidence (PDF, 5 MB)
Mr Jackson Landscape Proof of Evidence (PDF, 778 KB)
Mr Jackson Summary Landscape Proof of Evidence (PDF, 493 KB)
Mr Jackson Appendices to Landscape Proof of Evidence (PDF, 13 MB)
Ms G Stoten Proof of Evidence, Heritage (PDF, 6 MB)
Ms G Stoten Summary Proof of Evidence, Heritage (PDF, 247 KB)
Ms G Stoten Appendices to Heritage Proof of Evidence (PDF, 587 KB)
Mr Wooliscroft Highways Proof of Evidence (PDF, 809 KB)
Mr Wooliscroft summary Highways Proof of Evidence (PDF, 507 KB)
Mr Wooliscroft appendices to Highways Proof of Evidence (PDF, 9 MB)
Mr Ben Pycroft summary Proof of Evidence - Housing Supply (PDF, 523 KB)
Mr Ben Pycroft Proof of Evidence - Housing Supply (PDF, 773 KB)
Mr Ben Pycroft Proof of Evidence - Appendices (PDF, 29 MB)
Mr J Roberts Proof of Evidence - Affordable Housing (PDF, 567 KB)
Mr J Roberts summary Proof of Evidence - Affordable Housing (PDF, 200 KB)
Mr J Roberts Appendices to Affordable Housing Proof of Evidence (PDF, 420 KB)
Inquiry Update 24 January 2025
On Friday 17th January 2025 the Council received a decision notice relating to a site in Cheadle off Oakamoor Road. The decision in that case was highly relevant to the Froghall Road appeal and was considered by the Planning Applications Committee of the Council on 23rd January 2025 . As a result of it's consideration the Committee decided that defence of this appeal by the Council at inquiry was untenable. Therefore the Council did not defend the appeal, with the exception of the 5 year housing land supply.
If you wish to view the Oakamoor Road appeal decision you can do so here: Final Decision Oakamoor Rd (PDF, 264 KB)
Section 106 Planning Obligation and draft Conditions.
During the course of the inquiry the Council and the appellant have agreed a document known as a section 106 Planning Obligation (or Agreement) and draft planning conditions. This is for the assistance of the inspector because if he decides to grant the permission for the proposed development these will be required. The 106 obligation provides for contributions and other mitigation proposed by the appellant to offset the impact of the development on the local community, for example health care and education contributions. The Council has to explain why these are needed and why they are appropriate in a document known as a CIL compliance statement. A copy of the draft 106 agreement and CIL compliance statement may be viewed here:
ID14 - Final Draft s106 - clean (PDF, 2 MB)
ID16 - CIL Compliance Statement 30.1.25 - clean (PDF, 228 KB)
The council and appellant have also agreed a set of draft planning conditions (subject to comments you can view on the document) that the inspector can use if he decides to grant permission and these can be viewed here:
ID18 - Updated Draft Conditions - 30.1.25 - clean (PDF, 122 KB)
Core Documents
The Core Documents Library below includes all relevant documents (Core Documents pre-fixed CD) for the inquiry. Documents submitted during the course of the inquiry are known as Inquiry Documents and can be viewed below the core documents list.
Note that not all documents relating to the application appear in the Core Documents Library. If you can't find what you are looking for all the documents relevant to the inquiry can be found on the planning portal that has further information about the application and the appeal.
You can get to the planning portal by clicking here.
You will need to use the application reference number SMD/2021/0610 to search for the application.
Core Document List (PDF, 190 KB)
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD1. SMD/2021/0610 - Documents and Plans as Submitted |
CD 1.1 | Application form dated 31/08/2021 SUPERSEDED (14/11/23)(final revision at CD2.29) |
CD 1.2 | Application Boundary & Location Plan (020-020-P001 Rev D) SUPERSEDED (14/11/23) (final revision at CD2.27) |
CD 1.3 | Parameters masterplan (OS base) (020-020-004 Rev F) SUPERSEDED (24/05/22) (final revision at CD2.12) |
CD 1.4 | Design and Access Statement prepared by eSCAPE dated August 2021 (020/020/001/RevD/DAS) - SUPERSEDED (24/05/22) (final revision at CD2.20) |
CD 1.5 | Air Quality Assessment prepared by SLR dated August 2021 (410.10341.00003 v2.0) SUPERSEDED (15/05/23) (final revision at CD2.26) |
CD 1.6 | Landscape and Visual Appraisal prepared by FPCR dated July 2021 (Rev -) SUPERSEDED (13/12/21) (final revision at CD2.6) |
CD 1.7 | Planning, Affordable Housing and Sustainability Statement prepared by Emery Planning dated 27 September 2021 SUPERSEDED (17/01/22) (final revision at CD2.9) |
CD 1.8 | Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Management Strategy prepared by Betts Hydro dated August 2021 (HYD618_FROGHALL.ROAD_FRA&DMS Rev 1.0) - SUPERSEDED (24/05/22) (final revision at CD2.22) |
CD 1.9 | Statement of Community Involvement prepared by Emery Planning dated 27 August 2021 |
CD 1.10 | Noise Impact Assessment prepared by JPM Acoustics dated 16 July 2021 |
CD 1.11 | Preliminary Ecological Appraisal prepared by Tyler Grange dated 16 July 2021 |
CD 1.12 | Geo-Environmental Desk Study Report prepared by Betts Geo dated June 2021 (21EMP016/DS Rev 1) |
CD 1.13 | Heritage Statement prepared by Orion Heritage dated August 2021 (PN/2991/HS/3) |
CD 1.14 | Archaeological Desk Based Assessment prepared by Orion Heritage dated August 2021 (PN/2991) |
CD 1.15 | |
CD 1.16 | Arboriculture Summary prepared by Tyler Grange dated 16 July 2021 (14001_R02_JJ_HB |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD3. Consultee Responses |
CD 3.1 | |
CD 3.2 | |
CD 3.3 | |
CD 3.4 | |
CD 3.5 | |
CD 3.6 | |
CD 3.7 | |
CD 3.8 | |
CD 3.9 | |
CD 3.10 | |
CD 3.11 | |
CD 3.12 | |
CD 3.13 | |
CD 3.14 | |
CD 3.15 | |
CD 3.16 | |
CD 3.17 | |
CD 3.18 | |
CD 3.19 | |
CD 3.20 | |
CD 3.21 | |
CD 3.22 | |
CD 3.23 | |
CD 3.24 | |
CD 3.25 | |
CD 3.26 | |
CD 3.27 | |
CD 3.28 | |
CD 3.29 | |
CD 3.30 | |
CD 3.31 | |
CD 3.32 | |
CD 3.33 | |
CD 3.34 | |
CD 3.35 | |
CD 3.36 | |
CD 3.37 | |
CD 3.38 | |
CD 3.39 | |
CD 3.40 | County Council updated education consultation comments 29.11.24 (PDF, 627 KB) |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD4. Decision notice and committee report |
CD 4.1 | |
CD 4.2 | |
CD 4.3 | |
CD 4.4 |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD5. Local policy documents and guidance | |
CD 5.1 | |
CD 5.2 | |
CD 5.3 | |
CD 5.4 | Annual Monitoring Report 2023-24 (PDF, 369 KB) |
CD 5.5 | Historic Environment Character Assessment: Staffordshire Moorlands, August 2010 (combined extracts only) (PDF, 4 MB) |
CD 5.6 | Local Development Scheme 2023 (PDF, 264 KB) |
CD 5.7 | Landscape, Local Greenspace and Heritage Impact Study, dated 2016 (combined extracts only) (PDF, 8 MB) |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD6. National Planning Policy and Statements | |
CD 6.1 | |
CD 6.2 | |
CD 6.3 | Indicative local housing need: December 2024 - new standard method (published alongside the Government response to NPPF reforms) - When you click on the link for this document it will automatically download to your device. |
CD 6.4 | Written Ministerial Statement 30 July 2024 - Building the Homes We Need |
CD 6.5 | |
CD 6.6 | |
CD 6.7 | |
CD 6.8 | Written Ministerial Statement 12 December 2024 - Building the Homes We Need |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD7. Housing Land Supply and Monitoring Documents | |
CD 7.1 | Statement of Five Year Housing Land Supply (as at 1st April 2023) - November 2023 |
CD 7.2 | Statement of Five Year Housing Land Supply (as at 1st April 2022) |
CD 7.3 | Statement of Five Year Housing Land Supply (as at 1st April 2021) (PDF, 3 MB) |
CD 7.4 | SHLAA Stage 1,2 & 3 Summary - July 2015 (PDF, 996 KB) |
CD 7.5 | SHLAA large sites details (Towns) (PDF, 2 MB) |
CD 7.6 | SHLAA large sites details (Rural area) (PDF, 5 MB) |
CD 7.7 | SHLAA large site maps (PDF, 14 MB) |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD8. Heritage related documents | |
CD 8.1 | |
CD 8.2 | |
CD 8.3 | |
CD 8.4 | |
CD 8.5 | |
CD 8.6 | DCMS Guidance Nov 18: Principles of Selection for Listed Buildings. (Nov 2018) (PDF, 454 KB) |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD10. Highways related documents | |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD13. Statements of Common Ground | |
CD 13.1 | |
CD 13.2 | |
CD 13.3 | |
CD 13.4 | Highways Statement of Common Ground - Document to follow |
CD 13.5 | |
CD 13.6 | |
CD 13.7 | Self-build & Custom Housebuilding Statement of Common Ground (PDF, 260 KB) |
CD 13.8 | Further SOCG - Final signed 24.01.2025 (PDF, 125 KB) |
CD 13.9 | Updated Planning SOCG - Final signed 24.1.25 (PDF, 418 KB) |
CD 13.10 | Updated Heritage SOCG - Final signed 24.01.2025 (PDF, 2 MB) |
CD 13.11 | Updated Landscape SOCG - Final signed 23.01.2025 (PDF, 282 KB) |
CD Reference | Document Title |
CD14. Miscellaneous Documents | |
CD 14.1 | Email from LPA re heritage case dated 5th December 2024 (PDF, 1 MB) |
CD 14.2 | Letter from Council dated 4th December 2024 (PDF, 1 MB) |
Application Documents
Can't find what you want? Further application documents relating to the Appeal may be found here.
You will need to use the application reference number SMD/2021/0610 to search for the application
Inquiry Documents
The documents presented to the Inspector by various parties during the course of the inquiry will be listed below.